Advanced Graph Theory
MATH 656

Spring 2025
TR 2:00-3:15
  Harris Hall 4145


Instructor: Richard Hammack
Office hours:
Office: Harris Hall 4166
Tuesday, 11:00-12:30
Course webpage: Thursday, 11:00-12:30
and by appointment

Required Text: Introduction to Graph Theory (Second Edition) by Douglas B. West (ISBN 0-13-014400-2)

This is a second course in graph theory, building on the material of MATH 556. Topics include material from Chapters 5 (coloring), 6 (planarity) and 7 (edges and cycles). Topics in the later part of the semester will be selected from Chapter 8 and determined by student interest.

Your grade is determined by two tests, weekly quizzes and a final exam.

Homework: I will maintain a list of suggested problems for homework. Although homework will not be collected, quiz questions will be taken from the suggested homework problems.

Quizzes: Typically there will be one quiz per week (except there is no quiz on test weeks). Quiz dates will be posted on the calendar. Each quiz will consist of one or more problems from the homework list. Quizzes are closed book and closed notes.

Tests: Tests are closed-book and closed-notes, and no computing technology of any type is allowed. The dates will be determined at least several weeks in advance and posted on the course calendar. On the calendar you will also find links to blank and solved versions of tests from previous semesters.

Final Exam: The final exam is comprehensive. It is closed-book and closed-notes, and no computing technology of any type is allowed. It is scheduled for 12:30-3:20 on Thursday May 1.

The 10-point grading scale is used:
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: 0-59
Your final average will be computed as follows:
Test 1: 25%
Test 2: 25%
Quizzes: 25%
Final Exam: 25%

Total: 100%
  Attendance: I do not take attendance. You are responsible for all material covered in class.

Make-up Work: If you miss a test or quiz for a documented illness or emergency, then I will consider scheduling a make-up for a later date, provided you notify me before the test.  If you miss the final exam for a legitimate reason (i.e. a documented illness or emergency) then I can give you a grade of Incomplete (I) for the course, and you will need to make up the missed exam by the date set by the University.

Web Page: Information about this course is posted on my web page (not on Canvas). Go to There you will find the syllabus, the course calendar and other materials. Solutions for tests will be posted after the due dates.

Email: Any email correspondence concerning this course should be through your official VCU email address. University policy prevents me from discussing many aspects of the course through other email addresses. I may send email messages either to the whole class or individuals in the class. It is your responsibility to check your VCU email regularly.

Cell Phones, Laptops etc: Please do not use these in class. Keep them stowed away for the entire duration of every class. Smart watches must be put away during tests and quizzes.

Office: Please feel free to stop by my office whenever you have a question, or if you just want to chat. If my posted hours are inconvenient, I will be happy to schedule an appointment. Tell me if you are having trouble. Catching up can be very difficult once you get behind, so let me know as soon as you think there is a problem.

Last day to withdraw or declare Pass/Fail: Friday, March 28.